some fear. always there mostly checked the slightest provokashun (of your choosing) kind of sets it off. you know? it just grabs ya: a sociaL fear? prior abuse? both. unworthyness, shame, bullys, outcast, dad, mom, your friends sister, sex, the FuLL mOon? unfashionabL? something hidden from you by yourseLfFth. don’t worry. dont worry honey. itL b aLL righT. not just saying that. tyring to mean it too but do i mean it to myselfFth? how couLd i know. UntiL and unLeSs the test comes. itL b aLL rigth’ough regardLes if i pass see? itL b aLL ri cause it iS, now. righnow it’s twas-n twiLb. it’s so its b-ying neithr good’n or bad O.K.? what does that stand for? itseLfFth, it stadth for itseLfFth, “O”k,,? subtL trut. growth ever mor subTl. big fear not so much like eh so what. sbtL toot com frum othinG reTuRn 2 nothi’G aLWaYS wiLl and nEVR haS -or- did I GET THAT BAckKWOrdZ?