Re:gardless of chicKen or the eGG preceding; LiFe is, indeed, a very speshuL dream. WhiLe the entrance to the turnpiKe stays the same day in andout, and my hair tends to part to the right, each of the children in my eiGHTH grade cLass pHoto meet their each respectiV desTinies, and it may equaLLy be assuRed, one day it simpLy ceases to be so, i.e. isnT ther nomo, liKe a DreaM. Katy saw a Thunderbird once, with her famiLy aLL sitting outside as a storm passed overhead them then the TREMENDOUS cLap of boLT struck Telephone wire (or pole or tree or something i dont remember) and there where: suddenlY come into exigencstence or travelled ther Itself by the electro-maGics, apropos nothing sat that strange some kind of bird. Then it flew away like an Ivory-billed Woodpecker from MARz in-and-out of xtinCtion.
tHER are moany moRe than one XampLz of a piece of coraL turniing into an OctopuSs. so WHY canT a snake ā€˜just decideā€™ to grow a pair of retractable syrinGes in its moUTH and praY itS GOD to give it POiSoN which to FiLL them?
have you praYā€™d in youR dream? eVeRā€¦
looked At your haNds hmh?


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